Article 27 Any enterprise engaged in the production of cigarette paper, filter rods, cigarette tow or cigarette manufacturing equipment may sell its products only to tobacco companies or enterprises producing tobacco products with the license for tobacco monopoly production enterprises. 第二十七条生产卷烟纸、滤嘴棒、烟用丝束、烟草专用机械的企业,只可将产品销售给烟草公司和持有烟草专卖生产企业许可证的烟草制品生产企业。
Chapter V production and sale of cigarette paper, filter rod, cigarette tow and cigarette manufacturing equipment 第五章卷烟纸、滤嘴棒、烟用丝束、烟草专用机械的生产和销售
So, according to a source in the know, everything that goes into the making of a finished cigarette stick-tobacco, paper, filter etc-is being imported as against the product being indigenised. 因此,据一位知情人士称,制造成品卷烟的所有东西&烟草、纸、过滤嘴等,都是进口的,防止产品被本土化。
This paper also designs the filter model of the GPS/ DR integrated positioning system, analyzes the information sharing principle and calculation of information distribution coefficient. 设计了GPS/DR组合定位系统的滤波模型,分析了其信息分配原理和信息分配系数的计算方法。
This paper presents a filter protecting the radio astronomicalfrequency band, which is a novel coaxial band-rejection filter in structure. 本文介绍了射电天文波段保护滤波器,它是一种结构新颖的同轴带阻滤波器。
Cotton gauze filter ( stock replacement filter). Looking almost identical to the set up of a paper air filter, a cotton gauze filter is fitted and enclosed to a holder. 棉质纱布过滤(股票更换过滤),看起来几乎相同的一篇论文的建立空气过滤器,过滤装置,棉质纱布附于持票人。
The paper introduces the Kalman filter method that is an Optimal Recursive Data Processing Algorithm, which can separate these two components and filter out other random noises. 本文引进了一种最优化自回归数据滤波算法&卡尔曼滤波来分离这两个分量和消除其他随机噪声。
Remove the paper filter downwards and dispose of in accordance with legal requirements. 向下拆卸纸质滤清器滤芯,并根据当地的法律要求处置。
This paper design a multi-level filter based for detecting the small targets of infrared images. 设计了一种用于检测红外图像小目标检测的多级滤波器。
This paper proposes the self-adapting filter's base integrated method by carrying out the theory analysis of the chosen filter of GFSINS/ GPS. 对GF-SINS/GPS组合导航系统选择滤波器问题进行了理论分析,提出了基于自适应滤波器的组合方法;
In this paper the AC filter configuration of GaoLing back to back converter station is introduced. 在介绍高岭背靠背换流站交流场滤波器配置的基础上,研究了各型滤波器最优的投切时刻。
Production of high quality filter paper filter, high temperature aging NBP ring, a steel, anti-rust treatment and strict testing methods, quality assurance. 生产的各种滤清器采用优质滤纸、耐高温防老化NBP密封圈、一级钢材,严密的防锈处理和检测手段,质量保证。
The utility model relates to a full-closed full-heat micro-grade disk type paper filter, which belongs to the technical field of chemical equipment. 全封闭全伴热微米级盘式纸饼过滤器属化工设备技术领域。
In addition, the paper presents filter multi-phase structure for the shaping-filter design and its FPGA implementation, where multipliers can be omitted by using the look-up table of the filter coefficients ROM. Test of the prototype circuit board shows the method is perfect. 然后介绍了数字成形滤波器多相结构的FPGA实现方法,运用查询系数ROM的方法可以省去实现滤波器的乘法器结构,并对此实现方法进行软件仿真和硬件电路板测试,测试结果达到了较理想的效果。
An example of parabolic Radon transform ( PRT) is demonstrated in this paper for filter approach, the energy leakage is a problem in traditional PRT. 对于滤波法给出了广泛应用的抛物Radon变换法的实例,指出了抛物Radon变换法存在滤波时能量泄漏的问题。
The paper studies mean filter, SUSAN filter, median filter and gauss filter technology, and selects the fast median filter to get good smoothing result of pavement image. 研究了均值滤波、SUSAN滤波、高斯滤波和中值滤波技术,对缺陷图像进行了平滑去噪处理,最后选用快速中值滤波并取得了良好的效果,为下一步图像分割打好了基础。
Determination of Potassium, Sodium, Calcium, Magnesium, Copper, Iron, Zinc, Lead in the Cut Tobacco, Smoke, Cigarette Paper, Unsmoked Filter Tips, Smoked Filter Tips by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer 微波消化-原子吸收法测定卷烟中的钾、钠、钙、镁、铜、铁、锌、铅的研究
ERKs activity was determined by Whatman Paper Filter method; 用滤纸法测定ERKs活性;
In the paper, filter is discussed in lattice structure, and many results for filter are obtained under some weaker conditions. 本文在格结构中讨论了滤子,在很弱的条件下得到了有关滤子的许多结果。
In the paper, Washout filter is applied to two kinds of PWM DC/ DC converters, which have different control schemes, and translations from chaos to period in both of the converter systems are made. 最后,应用Washout滤波器对两种采用不同控制策略的DC/DC变换器实施控制,将其从混沌状态控制到周期状态。
Experimental results show that, using formulas derived in this paper for filter designing, the expected bandwidth and stop-band attenuation are in better agreement with practice. 实验结果表明,应用导出的设计公式进行设计,预示的带宽和阻带衰减更接近实际。
In this paper, Active Filter Linear Back Projection ( AFLBP) method is presented and simulated. 本文提出了一种动态滤波反投影算法(ActiveFilterLinearBackProjection,AFLBP),并进行了实验仿真。
The paper describes the filter working principle, the influence of the middle section on signal extinction, and the analysis of the fiber section lengths. 该文分析了三段式结构实现带通滤波的原理,考虑声波的衰减而优化了第一段和第三段光纤的长度比,并且指出中间段光纤的长度对于滤波器消光比的影响。
The core of filter elements consists of polypropylene frames and paper filter medium bonded by resin. 过滤器滤芯是采用聚丙烯材料骨架的纸质过滤元件。
In this paper, a filter algorithm based on multiwindow is proposed. 本文依据中值滤波的基本原理和Sakrison的非均匀图象模型提出一种改进型自适应中值滤波算法&MWMF。
This paper describes the filter method of combining the pseudo-range measurements of GPS and GLONASS to get observer's position information. 论述了综合GPS、GLONASS伪距测量值获取定位信息的滤波方法。
The fluorescence intensity of 7, 8-benzoquinoline and fluoranthene on the surface of polyether sulfone membrane was higher than on the surface of filter paper while the filter paper had the lower background fluorescence emission. 7,8-苯并喹啉、荧蒽的滤纸表面荧光强度均低于聚醚砜膜表面荧光强度,但滤纸具有较低的荧光背景。
But the improved single median filter can't meet the request of system, so by combining of Laplacian and Gauss arithmetic the paper adopts LOG filter, which filters twice and satisfies the request of filter; 对传统的中值滤波实验分析又加以改进,均不能满足系统要求,由此本文又采用了拉普拉斯算法与高斯算法相结合的LOG滤波方法,通过二次滤波,达到了滤波要求;